Sunday, March 20, 2011

Dinner with Butterfly Rep

Just got back with the friendly David Smythe from Butterfly.
He had a big drive up from Melbourne but graciously gave me some of his time to chat about the state of Table Tennis. What I heard from him is that Victoria is the State of Table Tennis (They have great venues).

Ok, puns aside.

As I poured out to him about wanting Table Tennis/Ping Pong to be more respected and supported in Australia, he warned me that overall he had a negative view on the whole situation. Still, he is hoping that he can be proved wrong. I hope so too.

One thing he told me about was how much a fan of the game Bill Gates is.
I googled Bill in connection to Table Tennis and found him playing alongside another reasonably wealthy man. Check them out here.

But it got me thinking, all we need is someone like Bill Gates to inject a tiny bit of money into the game, and with all the wisdom and skill and know-how that Australia has, the sport could really take off.

Now, I know there are much greater needs in the world than Table Tennis. I'm not even going to joke about that, but I have seen the power of Table Tennis to break down cultural and social barriers. And let's not forget the much touted Ping Pong Diplomacy between China and the US. Read more about that here.

So Sydney City Pong for a little while at least will keep pushing the Pongvelope and see if we can get a bit of a movement happening. And if you consider yourself a patron of Sport then please contact us via email: wantoplay AT (please substitute the AT for @ and leave out the spaces). Celebrities are more than welcome; use your power for Pong.

And on that note, check out some of the great famousy people of all time playing Ping Pong/Table Tennis here.

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